Fairfield County (FFC), Connecticut, is known as one of the most desirable areas in Connecticut, as well as the entire United States.
There are 23 towns located in this beautiful area just north of New York City. These are: Bethel, Bridgeport, Brookfield, Danbury, Darien, Easton, Fairfield, Greenwich, Monroe, New Canaan, New Fairfield, Newtown, Norwalk, Redding, Ridgefield, Shelton, Sherman, Stamford, Stratford, Trumbull, Weston, Westport, Wilton.
The graph above represents the number of houses sold in the past year broken down by month. This graph in particular shows houses in southern Fairfield County, including Norwalk, Ridgefield, Weston, Westport, and Wilton. By month, Norwalk sells many more houses than the surrounding areas seen above. Ridgefield and Westport fluctuate at similar rates and Weston is shown to sell the fewest homes out of all the towns.
The graph above represents the number of houses sold in the past year broken down by month. This graph in particular shows houses in northern Fairfield County, including Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury, Newtown, and Redding. Redding has very small amount of homes sold each month comparatively to the surrounding towns especially Danbury and Newtown. Bethel and Brookfield are average towns in this mix, selling more homes than Redding but much fewer than in Danbury and Newtown.
This graph above displays the average price of homes sold in the previous year. This graph in particular shows houses in southern Fairfield County, including Norwalk, Ridgefield, Weston, Westport, and Wilton. Westport has the highest average sale price by about $400,000 than any surrounding town. Norwalk is observably the cheapest place to purchase a house in this area which would account for the increase in home sales in Norwalk seen in the second graph above. When the average price of homes is low, more people will be able to sell their houses. Ridgefield, Weston, and Wilton are all in middle range between Norwalk and Westport.
This graph above displays the average price of homes sold in the previous year. This graph in particular shows houses in northern Fairfield County, including Bethel, Brookfield, Danbury, Newtown, and Redding. Redding has the highest average sale price by about $200,000 than any surrounding town. This would account for the decrease in home sales in Redding seen in the first graph above. When the average price of homes are so high, not as many of the houses will sell especially when the market is still recovering. Danbury is observably the cheapest place to purchase a house at the moment, and Bethel, Brookfield, and Newtown are all averaging between about $300,000 and $400,000.
As this graph indicates the stronger a market gets, the more competitive bidding exists, the closer your sales price will move to your list price. Therefore, as you can tell, most of the towns real estate markets start well, see a small decrease in February/March, pick back up again in the summer months, and then stabilize towards the end of the year. Weston is observed to change the most out of all the towns seen above in southern Fairfield County. Over the course of the year, the percentages ranged from just under 91% and as high as 98.5%.
As this graph indicates the stronger a market gets, the more competitive bidding exists, the closer your sales price will move to your list price. Therefore, as you can tell, the Brookfield and Bethel Real Estate Markets are both been improving throughout the previous year. Danbury and Newtown are relatively stable averaging at 96% and Redding is observed to change the most. Over the course of the year, the percentages ranged from as low as 91% to as high as 98% this past November.
The graph above show the number of houses sold within the past 365 days with 4 bedrooms in the southern Fairfield County area. Evident by the height of the bars representing each town, more 4 bedroom houses were sold in Norwalk than any other town. Westport and Wilton are near each other and display a relative average for southern Fairfield County. Weston sold the fewest, with just over 50 houses with 4 bedrooms.
The graph above show the number of houses sold within the past 365 days with 4 bedrooms in the northern Fairfield County area. In the past year, more 4 bedroom houses were sold in Newtown than any of the surrounding towns. Bethel and Brookfield are almost equivalent, both just below or just above 60 houses sold and Redding was slightly lower at approximately 50 houses with 4 bedrooms sold.
Because we love Fairfield County!
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