Trust - "Darkest Before Dawn"

January 15, 2012 scroll to read ...
Trust - "Darkest Before Dawn" I am watching a special on TV tonight about the troubles in Syria. It is fascinating, but extremely sad for me, as I know nothing about Syria, and am curious about their troubles. It is amazing to think that the...

Trust - "Darkest Before Dawn"

I am watching a special on TV tonight about the troubles in Syria. It is fascinating, but extremely sad for me, as I know nothing about Syria, and am curious about their troubles. It is amazing to think that there are people in this world who fear for their lives every night, cannot get out to get food, drink, clothing, - cannot cross the street to see family without fear of being shot. Yet they demonstrate in the street daily, to try to bring some sense of freedom or at least safety to their lives. They estimate 5000 have died so far in the siege in Syria.Trust - "Darkest Before Dawn"

We are so comfortable in our homes and lives, without fear like that. We grow up with the trust in knowledge that we will be safe and our families will be safe. We can cross the street to buy bread, we can go to school and learn what we need to learn, we can go where ever we like - whenever we like. We live "normal lives."

Everyday we test this trust that you and I were raised with. We trust that things will be "OK" and that we will see tomorrow. Even when a situation fails us, and we are surprised by someone's breaking our trust, it does not take long to get back to the point of trusting all will be well again.

When things are not going smoothly, my husband's always telling me that it is darkest before dawn. You know, he is always right! Just when I think there is no way a situation will ever work out, and it is a total disaster, he tells me to calm down and be patient. "Darkest before Dawn."

I hope that for the people of Syria this is the darkest point before dawn - it looks pretty bleak over there at the moment. They need a better day ahead. They seem to believe that better days are coming.

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