Spring – A Time for Change - Time To Improve!

May 01, 2013 scroll to read ...
Spring is a great time to do cleaning - cleaning of the house, our businesses, our bodies, and our souls.

Spring is a great time to do cleaning - cleaning of the house, our businesses, our bodies, and our souls. Rosebud azaleas

It is spring cleaning time! I have decided this spring to reorganize, and teach my agents some of those skills as I learn them, so we can all be better agents and better people. I always feel much better when I have cleaned the curtains, swept out from under furniture, put away the piles from the counters, but it is not always possible to find the time to do it daily.

This year I will make a concerted effort to be more organized - my daughter says "touch it only once" - not sure that applies always in a large house, but trying will be a better start. To be more organized also includes leaving earlier for appointments so I am earlier than my clients. I am not late, but always miffed at myself when my clients arrive before me. (It's tough sometimes, because I have some clients who arrive 15 minutes early every time.)Meet ups

For the business side of me, I would like to begin to do more networking again. I used to belong to a BNI, but dropped out because of a family health issue. I would like to work the same principle, but with my own hours and with folks that I can choose. It may not be as efficient, but that will be the best I can do. It may be more personal and perhaps better in the long run.

I would like to meet folks for coffee, and see how we can help each other grow. Perhaps there may be a threesome, or foursome that I bump into that will be a dynamite group. The excitement of exchanging ideas and opening the mind is always exciting.

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